To submit your event email [email protected].
Spotlight on Eastern Idaho!
Welcome, Eastern Idaho, to the Salt & Light Radio family! We're thrilled to bring faith-filled programming to your area. Tune in to 88.3 FM for inspiring Catholic content that uplifts and strengthens your faith. Stay connected to the wider Catholic community, and keep an ear out for special updates and local activities in our weekly 'Spotlight.' We're so glad to have you with us!
February Intentions: For vocations to the priesthood and religious life
Monday, February 03
Saint Blase
Tuesday, February 04
Wednesday, February 05
Saint Agatha
Thursday, February 06
Saints Paul Miki and Companions
Friday, February 7
National Marriage Week February 7-14
Saturday, February 8
Saint Jerome Emiliani
Saint Josephine Bakhita
Sunday, February 9
Monday, February 10
Saint Scholastica
February 14-17, Verbum Spei Young Adult Men’s Retreat in McCall
February 21-23, Worldwide Marriage Encounter in Beaverton, Oregon
February 28 - March 2, Rachel’s Vineyard Post Abortion Retreat in Portland
March 7-9, Idaho Catholic Youth Convention at the Ford Idaho Center Sports Arena, Nampa
May 2-4, Rachel’s Vineyard Post Abortion Retreat in Garden Valley
If you're interested in helping to promote Salt & Light Radio in Eastern Idaho, we'd love to hear from you! Please email me at [email protected].