God our Father, we humbly seek your all-powerful blessing on the work we have begun and ask you to bring it to completion. Give success to the work of our hands.
Lord Jesus, we seek your blessing on this radio station and ask you to consecrate it to the bold proclamation of your living Word, proclaimed in the midst of your One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. Guard us from the evil one and from all those who would sow destruction or despair. Keep us in communion of mind and heart with our Pope and Bishops, upon whom we invoke your mercy.
Spirit of God, rain upon our labors your sevenfold gifts that we may make known in truth and love the voice of Jesus. Keep us ever-faithful to your inspirations, always open to the Truth, and never allow us to be conquered by pride. Create unity in our work and broadcast through us the seeds of the Word. Make us instruments of reconciliation among all your people, and of genuine renewal and reform.
Mother of the Word incarnate, remember this work as you come into the presence of your Son. Help us to remain humble in the image of your own heart, and guide us to the Heart of your Son. Protect us from all evil and bring to us the God of Life whom you bore in your womb and nursed at your breast. Help us to proclaim the greatness of the Lord and to ever-rejoice in God our Savior.
May the offering of our service and the prayer of the blessed Archangel Gabriel, patron of radio broadcasting, be acceptable in your sight, O Lord.
Lord, show us your mercy and love and grant us your salvation.
Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be world without end. Amen.